neck-back-painIs your neck pain coming from your back?

Getting no relief from treatment to your neck?

Consider this… the spine can be thought of as a vertical chain of building blocks called vertebra. This chain is supported at its foundation by a rigid semi-spherical bowl called the pelvis.



They all work together to co-ordinate movement in a multitude of directions, sustained weight-bearing forces and do so with regard to position, health and mobility of the joints above and below each other.

Eastern Medicine recognises 40 different types of headaches, so not all pain is mechanical or structural in origin, but when it is, problems with the pelvis can produce neck pain and/or headaches of different types.

The greater the problems in areas of key support such as the pelvis and the lower back (lumbar spine), the less stability is available to higher segments and subsequent patterns of poor movement in these areas, including the neck.

Similarly, if the foundations of a house are faulty and are unable to provide adequate support and stability, the cornices will crack. No matter how many times these cornices are patched, the problem will continue until the foundations are fixed.

Our Melbourne Physiotherapist looks at the “whole” and not just the “part” to get the best results possible.

Can Physiotherapy Treat Neck Pain?

Neck pain is the second most common condition treated by Physiotherapists, which is no surprise considering today’s culture requiring demanding hours of driving and hunching at desks.

Neck pain can often be quite unbearable. In many people, it is also the cause of headaches, pain in the upper back, shoulders and arms.

Many people will blame their neck pain on a bad sleeping position, or one particular movement. It is crucial to understand that most neck problems are not caused by one single incident, but by a collection of factors such as improper sitting, poor work and living habits and lack of appropriate exercises. Some neck problems are obviously due to trauma such as whiplash or sports injuries, however, it is important to understand the difference.

Our treatment methods

Spinal pain and neck related pain is treated with manual therapies (MT), dry needling, lymphatic drainage (LD), soft tissue massage (STM) and Trigger Point Therapy (TPT).

Spinal Manipulation


Spinal Manipulation helps restore normal movement and alignment of all the bones that make up the spine (vertebrae)


Melbourne Physiotherapy | Physiotherapists