Restore your body’s strength & mobility

Customised treatment plans to help you regain your physical well-being.

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68 Melville Rd, Brunswick 3056

Restore your body’s strength and mobility

customised treatment plans to help you

regain your physical well-being

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Meet Our Physiotherapist

We’re excited to share some wonderful news with you.  At Brunswick Health, we’re always striving to provide the highest quality of care to our valued patients, and today, we’re delighted to introduce you to a remarkable addition to our team, physiotherapist Juergen Toelle.

Juergen is not just your average physiotherapist; he brings an impressive wealth of knowledge and experience to our clinic. With over 25 years of clinical expertise, he has successfully treated a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and complex chronic pain conditions, helping countless individuals regain their mobility and enhance their overall quality of life.


Juergen believes that nothing can replace the tried and tested traditional hands-on approach of Physiotherapy. It makes clinical sense to embrace past-proven effective treatment techniques in conjunction with modern technology. To prefer one over another is usually at the peril of obtaining the best results which is why Juergen also includes soft tissue techniques such as deep trigger point therapy, fascia distortion releasing techniques, cupping, dry needling, exercise rehab programs, and electrotherapy (shockwave, TENS & ultrasound). Juergen believes the more tools you have in your tool bag, the greater the ability to deal with the most complex of conditions as it is imperative you have the expertise to pivot between different approaches old & new to ensure successful outcomes.


What sets Juergen apart is not just his exceptional clinical experience but also his dedication to the profession. He has had the privilege of serving as a lecturer and mentor to other junior physiotherapists, sharing his knowledge and insights to nurture the next generation of healthcare practitioners. His commitment to excellence is truly commendable, and we’re thrilled to have him as part of our team. We especially appreciate and value his holistic approach looking at not just the parts, but the body as a whole, and how the moving parts influence each other.  It’s simply short-sighted to only focus on the site of pain and not take into consideration the influence of neighbouring structures and the general alignment and balance of the body. After all, you would want your treating practitioner to focus on the source of your pain and not waste time chasing compensatory or referral pain patterns that will persist until the true cause is identified and dealt with.


Juergen obtained his qualifications from prestigious institutions in Germany, a country renowned for its rigorous and world-class healthcare education. This international exposure has enriched his practice and provided him with a global perspective on physiotherapy, which directly benefits our patients here in Melbourne as he brings with him cutting-edge techniques such as FDM which has been hugely successful in Europe in treating chronic pain, yet sadly underutilised in Australia. He has also been “headhunted” to work with some of the most celebrated sports personalities across the globe. From soccer legends to Formula 1 drivers and boxing champions, Juergen has played an integral role in their journey to success. 

We are confident that Juergen will make an immediate and significant impact on the lives of our patients. Whether you’re dealing with an acute injury, chronic pain, or simply aiming to improve your overall physical well-being, he is here to guide you on your journey to a healthier, pain-free life.

We invite you to schedule an appointment with Juergen to experience firsthand his compassionate care, unparalleled expertise, and unwavering commitment to your well-being. We are confident that you will find him to be a trusted partner in your path to recovery and improved health.

As his appointment book is fast filling don’t miss out on this chance to experience top-tier physiotherapy care. To schedule your appointment contact us on 9380 8099 or book online.

Thank you for entrusting us with your healthcare needs. We look forward to continuing to serve you with the highest standard of care and professionalism.

Make appointment or call (03) 9380 5434

What to Expect on Your First Physio Visit

Visiting a physiotherapist for the first time can be a bit intimidating, especially if you’re unsure about what to expect. Whether you’re seeking treatment for a specific injury, chronic pain, or simply looking to improve your overall physical well-being, understanding what will happen during your first physiotherapy appointment can help ease any anxiety and ensure a productive visit. For better clarity, we’ll guide you through what you can typically expect during your initial physiotherapy appointment.

  1. Comprehensive Assessment

Your first physiotherapy visit will begin with a comprehensive assessment. Our Physiotherapist Juegen Tolle will ask you a series of questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and the specific reason for your visit. Be prepared to provide details about your symptoms, any previous injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions, as well as any current medications.

  1. Physical Examination

After gathering your medical history, Juegen will perform a thorough physical examination. This typically involves assessing your range of motion, muscle strength, joint mobility, posture, and any areas of pain or discomfort. The examination helps him identify the underlying issues and create a personalised treatment plan.

  1. Goal Setting

Once our physiotherapist has a clear understanding of your condition, you’ll work together to establish treatment goals. These goals will be tailored to your specific needs and may include objectives such as pain reduction, improved mobility, or enhanced physical function. Setting clear goals is essential for tracking progress throughout your treatment.

  1. Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment and established goals, our physiotherapist will then develop a customised treatment plan. This plan may include various techniques and exercises designed to address your specific condition. Physiotherapy treatments usually include a range of manual hands-on therapies such as deep trigger point therapy, fasciae distortion correction techniques, cupping, dry needling & heat/cold therapies.  Therapeutic exercises are often prescribed and electrical modalities such as shockwave therapy, TENS, and Ultrasound are often utilised depending on the nature of the injury or condition.

  1. Education

Education is a crucial aspect of physiotherapy. Your physiotherapist will explain your condition, its causes, and how the proposed treatment plan will help. Juergen will also provide guidance on proper posture, ergonomics, and home exercises that you can perform between sessions to support your recovery. Education regarding injury prevention is also addressed.

  1. Active Participation

Physiotherapy is a collaborative process. During your first visit, you’ll likely be introduced to exercises and techniques that you can perform both in the clinic and at home. It’s essential to actively participate in your treatment plan to achieve the best results. Be sure to ask questions and seek clarification if needed. To assist, our Physiotherapist uses an exercise App called Physitack which provides exercise programs and videos, progress tracking, reports, and messaging tools. This helps keep our patients engaged, motivated and accountable.

  1. Duration and Frequency

Our physiotherapist will discuss the expected duration of your treatment and the frequency of your visits. The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on the severity of your condition and how well you respond to treatment. Typically, you’ll start with more frequent visits and gradually reduce the frequency as you progress.

  1. Communication

Effective communication is vital throughout your physiotherapy journey. Don’t hesitate to communicate any changes in your condition so your physiotherapist can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.


Your first physiotherapy visit is a crucial step in your journey to improved physical health and well-being. By knowing what to expect and actively participating in the process, you can make the most out of your treatment. Remember that physiotherapy is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist, and your dedication to the treatment plan will play a significant role in achieving your desired outcomes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek clarification, and work together with your physiotherapist to reach your goals.


Make appointment or call (03) 9380 5434

Conditions We Treat
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Achilles Tendonitis (Achilles, Peroneal, Patellar, Hip, Elbow, Wrist)
  • Bursitis
  • Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Elbow, Wrist & Hand Issues
  • ACL Damage
  • Meniscal Tear
  • Shin Splints
  • Osgood Schlatters
  • Hamstring Injuries
  • Patella Injuries
  • Groin Strain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Ankle Impingement
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel Spur
  • Post-Op Recovery ~ all areas
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis  


Make appointment or call (03) 9380 5434  

A Dozen Good Reasons to Choose us

A Dozen Good Reasons to Choose us

  1. Extensive Clinical Expertise: Our physiotherapist, Juergen Toelle, boasts over 25 years of clinical experience, making him a trusted and knowledgeable expert in the field. Patients can have confidence in his ability to provide the best care.

  2. Effective Treatment for Various Conditions: Juergen has successfully treated a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and complex chronic pain conditions. His expertise ensures that patients receive effective and personalised treatment tailored to their specific needs.

  3. Holistic Approach: Juergen believes in a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not just symptoms but also the underlying causes of discomfort. This approach ensures comprehensive care and better long-term results.

  4. Global Perspective: With qualifications from prestigious institutions in Germany, a country renowned for its rigorous healthcare education, Juergen brings a global perspective to his practice. This enriches the care he provides to patients.

  5. Mentorship and Education: Juergen’s role as a mentor and lecturer to junior physiotherapists demonstrates his commitment to nurturing the next generation of healthcare practitioners. Patients benefit from his ongoing dedication to learning and teaching.

  6. Positive Patient Feedback: Even in his short time with us, Juergen has received promising praise from our patients. Some have shared their excellent experiences through 5-star Google reviews, highlighting his effectiveness and patient-centered care.

  7. Personalised Treatment Plans: Juergen Toelle takes the time to create individualised treatment plans for each patient. He understands that one size doesn’t fit all, and tailors his approach to your unique needs and goals.

  8. Comprehensive Rehabilitation Programs: Juergen Toelle doesn’t just treat the immediate issue; he designs comprehensive rehabilitation programs that focus on your long-term well-being. These programs empower you with the tools and exercises needed to maintain your health and prevent future injuries, ensuring you stay at the top of your game.
  9. Advanced Techniques and Technology: Juergen combines traditional hands-on approaches with modern technology, including soft tissue techniques, electrotherapy, and more. This integration ensures that patients receive the latest and most effective treatments available.

  10. Friendly and Approachable: Patients will find Juergen to be not only highly skilled but also approachable and friendly. His warm demeanor puts patients at ease, creating a comfortable and collaborative atmosphere during their rehabilitation journey.

  11. On-the-Spot Claiming: Our practice also offers the convenience of on-the-spot claiming for health insurance. This means that you can easily process your insurance claims during your visit, saving you time and simplifying the financial aspect of your care. We believe in making the whole process as smooth as possible for our valued patients.
  12. Convenient Access: Our practice offers easy scheduling options, including the ability to book online, ensuring that patients can access the care they need at their convenience. This flexibility helps to accommodate busy schedules and ensure continuity of care.


Make appointment or call (03) 9380 5434

Melbourne Physiotherapy | Physiotherapists