Respiratory Issues | Asthma | Emphysema | Bronchitis

  What is Respiratory (or Chest) Physiotherapy Respiratory Physiotherapy, or more commonly known as Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) is where a physio uses movement to remove blockages (typically mucus, sputum or liquids) from the breathing passages of a patient thus...

Womens Health | Pregnancy

Everyone knows how Physiotherapists can help with injury or sports performance, but not many people know that Physios also deal with many female-only issues, related to pregnancy and other conditions. In fact, treatment is so common that there are many...

Chronic Fatigue | Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Suffering widespread pain on a chronic basis? Feeling fatigue and just can’t get a decent nights sleep? Got tingling in the hands and feet and can’t work out why? Feel like your joints have stiffened up? Experiencing “brain fog” or...

Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

What is the Temporal Mandibular Joint The Jaw joint (the area directly in front of the ear on either side of the head where the upper jaw and lower jaw connect) is also known as the Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ).  These are complex joints consisting of muscles,...

Sport Performance & Injury Rehabilitation

Treatment Protocols have changed significantly when it comes to sports Injuries even though the injuries themselves have remained unchanged in medical textbooks for many years. Most of the advances in treatment have come about from research lead by exercise...
Melbourne Physiotherapy | Physiotherapists